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Confident Pants is a blog by two sewists, Becci and Katie. Their posts explore adventures in making their own me-made capsule wardrobes, slow living, and mindful making.
Confident Pants is a blog by two friends, Katie and Becci. They are each in a different place in our journeys of leaving fast-fashion, sewing our own wardrobes, and learning to live more simply and sustainably.
Katie is a maker who has been in the midst of some sort of project for most of her life. After finally being fed up with never finding clothing that fit, she decided one weekend to set a personal challenge for a year of only me-mades clothing into her wardrobe. While in hindsight, this might have been a bold move, since she hadn’t sewed clothes before, she hasn’t looked back since! Katie is two years into exploring the whole wonderful world of garment sewing, slow fashion, and me-mades and still going strong!
Becci is a life-long DIY-er who is just discovering the world of garment sewing. After divorcing fast-fashion and realizing that when it comes to what’s in her closet, less really is more; she is starting a me-made journey! Becci has never sewn garments before, so for her, this is truly a grand experiment.
They would like to invite you along on their adventures, so you can learn along with them! They’ll share the struggles and the wins, making sure to tell you everything they learn along the way. They want everyone to know that anyone can learn to sew their own garments if they choose.
Sign up below for updates on the latest sewing projects and ideas for learning to live with less.